I make my backgrounds 1000 pixels wide, because the majority of monitors are 800x600 pixels, in other words--a 17" monitor.
To make them look fine on bigger monitors, you should make the borders at least 1200 pixels wide, which is a 19" monitor.
I use a "Table" code that includes a transparent gif as a "Spacer",
which you can download from
It's kind of tricky to get it to "save" because it is "invisable",
If you "right click" in the top left hand corner about an inch down & an inch in from the left,
You will see the words "save picture as"
Here is the code for you to use right after the:
<body background="your address for your background image" text="your choice of color" link="your choice of color" vlink="your choice of color"><center><table><tr><td valign="left" align="top"><img src="your address for your blank gif" height="1" width="110"></td><td valign="left" align="top" width="100%">
If your content is not aligned correctly, inside the border
increase or decrease the size of the "blank gif"
For a wider border, you can make the blank gif 115 or 120 wide or even 150.
The size of the width depends on how wide your border is
For a skinny border, you can make the blank gif 100 or 90 wide.
Also remember to divide your sentences so that they line up correctly,
by adding a <br> or a <p> at the correct places.
Your text or pictures plus the rest of your html code.
The whole content of your website will go here.
This code
goes right before the ending